19 12, 2018

Electronic phases in high magnetic fields

By |2018-12-19T12:05:03+00:00December 19th, 2018|SCI Highlights|0 Comments

Electrons are one of the fundamental constituents of solids, responsible for most of the important phenomena and applications in condensed matter physics. Therefore, understanding, controlling and manipulating electronic properties is still one of the great challenges of condensed matter research. An ideal testbed for this endeavour are high-quality two-dimensional [...]

3 12, 2018

Nicolas Bruyant

By |2024-02-27T14:30:57+00:00December 3rd, 2018|Meet Our People|0 Comments

LNCMI Toulouse. Published on Dec 3, 2018.  What is your actual position I am in charge of the Scientific Infrastructure team at LNCMI Toulouse, which consist of 4 engineers and technicians.   Where do you come from ? I did most of my studies in Grenoble : I [...]

30 10, 2018


By |2019-06-20T07:52:52+00:00October 30th, 2018|SCI Highlights|0 Comments

Zhe Wang, HZDR and S. Zherlitsyn, HLD Dresden Understanding quantum phase transitions, i.e., phase transitions at zero temperature driven by non-thermal parameters, has become one of the most significant topics in condensed-matter physics. It is generally believed that universal scaling occurs near a quantum critical point, which can be [...]

8 10, 2018

Marloes Gielen

By |2024-02-27T13:29:09+00:00October 8th, 2018|Meet Our People|0 Comments

Communication officer HFML-FELIX. Published on Oct 8, 2018. “HFML? EMFL? What’s that?” My ultimate goal is to prevent ányone from saying that éver again. I started June 1st, 2018. Just in time for the EMFL user meeting in Nijmegen. I see a lot of commitment and enthusiasm among users, technicians,and [...]

16 07, 2018

Interplay between field quantisation and Bloch states in graphene superlattices

By |2019-06-20T07:56:31+00:00July 16th, 2018|SCI Highlights|0 Comments

Sergio Pezzini & Uli Zeitler, HFML Nijmegen Using high magnetic-magnetic fields, the Bloch states in two-dimensional graphene superlattices can be influenced in a way that adding fractions of flux quanta into a superlattice unit cell lead to high temperature quantum oscillations in its resistance. This phenomenon can be explained [...]

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