SuperEMFL – a Horizon 2020 project

Superconducting magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory

The SuperEMFL project started on the 1st of January 2021 and will last four years. It is a Horizon2020 European project, coordinated by the laboratory LNCMI of the CNRS France.

The SuperEMFL design study aims to add through the development of the high temperature superconductor (HTS) technology an entirely new dimension to the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) that go beyond the commercial offer, providing the European high field user community with much higher superconducting fields and novel superconducting magnet geometries. In this way, current high-field resistive magnets can be partly replaced and the result will be a significant reduction of the energy consumption, improving financial and ecological sustainability of the static field EMFL facilities.

More specifically, the high field values, the very low noise and vibration levels, and the possibility to run very long duration experiments will make high superconducting magnetic fields attractive to scientific communities that so far have rarely used the EMFL facilities (NMR, scanning probe, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies, ultra-low temperature physics, electro-chemistry…). All these new research possibilities will strengthen the scientific performance, efficiency and attractiveness of the EMFL and thereby of the European Research Area (ERA).

millions EU contribution
millions of costs
months of duration
Project started 1 January 2021. Advancement: 90%


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951714. Any dissemination of results reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.