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Meet Our People2018-08-24T08:54:43+00:00

Meet EMFL people

Jérôme Béard

LNCMI Toulouse, France. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I studied physics at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse and got my Master degree in 2005. At the end of my university education I did a four months training period in the strongly correlated fermions group with Alain Audouard and David Vignolles. I stayed there for a one year as a research assistant. After that, I [...]

Cécile Daversin

PhD student at LNCMI Grenoble. Published on Mar 2, 2018. After a bachelor degree in fundamental mathematics, I discovered that my taste for computer science could be combined with my knowledge in mathematics, and that the needs in terms of modeling was indeed growing for a large panel of applications, as diverse as interesting. That's why I opted for applied mathematics studies for my [...]

Andries den Ouden

HFML Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Published on Mar 2, 2018. In 2006 I got involved with the HFML as a consultant for a very ambitious project: the design and development of a 45 Tesla hybrid magnet. At that time I was a work-group leader at the University of Twente. During the conceptual phase of the hybrid project it became clear that system design should be [...]

Ine Verhaegh and Thera Verkerk

Secretaries at the HFML in Nijmegen. Published on Mar 2, 2018. We are Ine Verhaegh (left) and Thera Verkerk and together we form the secretariat of the High Field Magnet Laboratory in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.  The International guest program, the call for proposals and the organization of EMFL events are things that are an important part of our work. As a user facility we [...]

Olivier Jay

LNCMI Grenoble. Published on May 9, 2019. After a Master’s degree in chemistry and materials science at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne near Paris, I had the opportunity to do a PhD in materials science co-supervised by the Materials and Processes Science and Engineering Laboratory (SIMaP) in Grenoble and the Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Lab (MSAM) at the University of Waterloo (Canada). During my [...]

Anne Missiaen

Photo (©) LNCMI/Alexandra Gasparini. Published on May 13, 2020. LNCMI Grenoble. I am currently in my first year of PhD at LNCMI in Grenoble under the supervision of David Le Bœuf and Marc-Henri Julien. I passed a master’s degree in fundamental physics at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon. During the first year of my master’s degree, I did an internship in Amalia Coldea’s group [...]

Christiane Warth-Martin

LNCMI Grenoble, France. Published on Mar 2, 2018. Trained as a process engineer I have been working for the LNCMI for over 20 years now, and started as a cryogenics engineer, under the authority of the Max Planck Institute which was at the time a stakeholder of the LNCMI (formerly GHMFL – Grenoble High Magnetic Fields Laboratory: Franco-German laboratory). When the Max Planck Institute [...]

Dr. Toni Helm

Published on Mar 5, 2019. Scientist at HLD Dresden. I joined the EMFL as an employee rather recently, but I am both new and old to the European high-field community. During my graduate school at the TU Munich and PhD work at the Walther Meissner Institute in Garching (Germany) I have spent quite some time in most of the labs of the EMFL as [...]

Cécile Alix, Catherine Knödlseder and Séverine Bories

Published on Mar 2, 2018. We are three people working in the LNCMI Toulouse administration office: Cécile Alix, Séverine Bories  and Catherine Knödlseder, who  is in charge of the office. We coordinate the budget and the payments of the laboratory together with a number of research contracts. We have the task of welcoming international visitors who use the LNCMI Toulouse high magnetic field facility. [...]

Dr. Yo Tokunaga

Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA, Japan. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I did my postdoc research in LNCMI-Grenoble twelve years ago. It was my first experience staying in Europe, and now I understand that all the scientific activities and the time I spent at this very international laboratory laid down a good foundation for my career as a researcher. This year I was able [...]

Aimée Savourey, new ILO officer for ISABEL.

Published on Feb 15, 2022. Hi. I’m Aimée Savourey. I started my one-year contract with CNRS at the beginning of 2022 as an Industrial Liaison Officer for the ISABEL European Project. I’m based in LNCMI-Toulouse. Before that, I was an R&D engineer in different industrial research centers. After my PhD in magneto-optics in the University Paris XI, I continued my career in materials science and [...]

Caitlin Duffy

Photo ©HFML. Published on Aug 27, 2020. HFML Nijmegen. I started last October with my PhD work in Nijmegen, in the group of Nigel Hussey. My research is focussing on the quantum critical point in thin-film cuprates, in the hope they reveal information that tell us more about high-temperature superconductivity. For part of my PhD, I intend to use high fields and the intense [...]

Thierry Lemaire, LNCMI Toulouse, 21.08.2023

Photo (©) Thierry Lemaire. Published on Aug 21, 2023. I am currently assistant engineer in the pulsed-field generator team at LNCMI Toulouse. I studied at the Déodat-de-Séverac high school in Toulouse electrotechnique achieving a BTS (brevet de technicien supérieur) diploma. Within large industrial companies, such as Vinci, Clemessy, and Spie, I have spent part of my career as a technician in the Airbus Industries test-facility [...]

Lucas Tang

PhD student at HFML Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I studied physics at the University of Bristol in the UK and graduated from my master’s degree in 2014. During my time there, I got a really good idea of what experiments were like in the real world of experimental research and how we could really investigate the physics in our everyday [...]

Yuriy Krupko, LNCMI-Grenoble

© Yuriy Krupko, LNCMI-Grenoble. Published on Feb 19, 2024. Hello. My name is Yuriy Krupko and I am a cryogenics engineer of LNCMI-Grenoble. As a member of the Scientific Instrumentation group, I work on the development and maintenance of the experimental infrastructure of the lab, providing permanent and visiting researchers with daily support. My domain of responsibility is the cryogenic equipment that allows to cool [...]

Britta Redlich, HFML-FELIX

Photo (©) Gideon Laureijs (HFML), Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen. Published on May 30, 2023. Since the beginning of 2023, I have been appointed as acting director of HFML and I am now leading the HFML-FELIX laboratory in Nijmegen. Though it came unexpected at this point in time, it feels as a natural extension of our common engagement and vision developed over the last years. I started [...]

Steffen Krämer, LNCMI Grenoble

Photo (©) Alexandra Gasparini. Published on Jan 23, 2023. Originating from the south of Germany, I’m now working and living in Grenoble for almost 20 years. I started my career at the University of Stuttgart, where I studied high-temperature superconductors during my PhD. Then, I joined two consecutive European research collaborations developing high-field NMR instrumentation and methods, which brought me in contact with the Grenoble [...]

Maxime Leroux

©Maxime Leroux. Published on May 16, 2022. LNCMI Toulouse. After my undergraduate years and the agrégation and master in physics from the ENS Lyon, I completed my PhD at the Institute Néel in Grenoble (CNRS and Université de Grenoble). There, I studied superconductors and charge density wave materials with Drs. Pierre Rodière and Klaus Hasselbach. I stayed in science as a postdoctoral researcher, first at [...]

Femke Tabak, HFML-FELIX

Photo (©) Femke Tabak. Published on Mar 15, 2023. Since October 2022, I have joined HFML-FELIX as managing director of the institute. For me this means a return to physics: I started my career at the University of Leiden, where I studied surface science and the development of high-speed scanning probe microscopy during my PhD. After my PhD, I took the opportunity to work at [...]

Xavier CHAUD

LNCMI Grenoble. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I am in charge of the development of the high temperature superconductor (HTS) technology at LNCMI. The HTS are very nice materials known to carry current without Joule dissipation or to levitate small permanent magnet at the temperature of a liquid nitrogen bath (77K) and higher. What is of interest for a high magnet field facility is [...]

Eva Bezgousko

Photo © Eva Bezgousko. Published on Mar 15, 2021. LNCMI Toulouse. After a bachelor degree in literature, I decided to continue my scientific career aiming at a master degree at Aix-Marseille University, a master of European and International Relations studies with a specialization in European project management and European programs. During these studies, I discovered my interest for European research and innovation programs. Therefore, after [...]

Jeremy Sourd, HLD

  Photo (©) Jeremy Sourd. Published on Jan 3, 2024. Since July 2023, I am doing my first postdoctoral stay at HLD. After my undergraduate years in Orsay (France), I did my PhD in Bordeaux (France) on an interdisciplinary topic between solid-state chemistry in the Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB) and condensed-matter theory in the Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d‘Aquitaine [...]

Nicolas Bruyant

LNCMI Toulouse. Published on Dec 3, 2018.  What is your actual position I am in charge of the Scientific Infrastructure team at LNCMI Toulouse, which consist of 4 engineers and technicians.   Where do you come from ? I did most of my studies in Grenoble : I first obtained an engineering degree before doing my thesis in spintronics in the laboratory Spintec [...]

Matthias Hoffmann

HFML Nijmegen. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I studied IT and Mechanical Engineering at TU in Berlin, where I am originally from. Subsequently, I started working at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) in 2010, where I was in charge of the production and quality control of the hybrid-magnet project. Parts for this system were being designed, produced and assembled all over the world, in the [...]

Zilan Kilic, HFML

Photo (©) Zilan Kilic. Published on June 10, 2024. Since September of last year, I can proudly call myself a member of the EMFL coordination team. My name is Zilan Kilic and I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I have a background in International Business and Communication. During my studies, I built a strong foundation in marketing principles and techniques, including market research, branding, [...]

Maurice Bal

Photo © Maurice Bal. Published on Mar 1, 2021. HFML Nijmegen. I started with my PhD at HFML in September 2019, in the group of Uli Zeitler. I study the THz AC conductivity in semiconductors, while at the same time I develop an experimental setup that is capable of resistively detecting cyclotron resonances. Consequently, most of my work so far is related to optimizing [...]

Dr. Rubi

Published on Nov 12, 2019. Scientist at HFML Nijmegen. During my two-year post-doctoral stay at the HFML, I will continuemy research that I started at the high magnetic field lab LNCMI in Toulouse. There, I studied novel aperiodic quantum oscillations in the two-dimensional electron gas that exists at the interface between two insulating oxides. To observe these oscillations, I cooled down the materials to [...]

Agathe Cadène

LNCMI Toulouse, France. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I have done physical and chemical sciences studies at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. I first obtained a teaching degree which allows me to be a professor in high school (agrégation de physique). Before starting my work as a teacher, I decided to do a PhD at the LNCMI Toulouse in order to widen my field [...]

Inès Dupon-Lahitte, LNCMI-Toulouse

Photo (©) Inès Dupon-Lahitte. Published on August 27, 2024 Since April of this year, I am EMFL´s new Industrial Liaison Officer for the ISABEL project. My role is to bring the EMFL closer to industry. To that end, I work closely with our researchers, engineers, and technicians to update the skill map. I will also be representing the EMFL at industrial events such as the [...]

Michel Peters

HFML Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Published on Mar 2, 2018. Being a technician at a high field magnet laboratory involves very diverse tasks. About half of my time I help researchers with building up all kinds of different experimental set-ups and preparing inserts for the magnets. I also check the infrastructure for them, such as the liquid helium stock for cooling the experiments. Another big [...]

Eleonora SARTORI

Photo: © Alexandra Gasparini, LNCMI Grenoble. Published on Aug 24, 2021. LNCMI Grenoble. I was hired by CNRS at the beginning of 2021, as European Project Manager in charge of SuperEMFL, a Horizon2020 project coordinated by LNCMI. Since I arrived in Grenoble from Milan in 2015, I have worked in similar positions, in the public as well as the private sector. My background has been [...]

Ena Osmic

Photo (©) Ena Osmic. Published on Aug 17, 2022. HLD, Dresden. I started with my PhD at the HZDR High Magnetic Field Laboratory in June 2021. I have completed my Physics studies in Leipzig, Germany, where I have experienced the fascinating world of solid-state physics for the first time. My Bachelor work was based on exploration of transport properties of natural graphite lamellae, while in [...]

Lakshmi Bhaskaran

© Larysa Zviagina. Published on May 10, 2021. HLD, Dresden. It was during my PhD work at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee that I first heard of the pulsed-field facility at HLD. The possibility of conducting experiments in very high magnetic fields, achieved within the time scale of milliseconds greatly excited me. Therefore, a dream came true when I got the offer [...]

Dr. Elizabeth Lauren Green

Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Germany.  Published on Mar 2, 2018. I decided to pursue a postdoc at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory because of its reputation and its world-renowned facilities. I completed my Ph.D. work at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee which is a DC field facility. I decided that as a postdoc I wanted to work at a [...]

Sabrina Palazzese

HLD Dresden. Published on Mar 11, 2020. I recently joined the Dresden High Magnetic Fields Laboratory (HLD) as a PhD student. During my diploma studies, I worked at the Low Temperatures Laboratory at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research where the research is mainly focused on superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems at very low temperatures and high pressures. In most of these systems, [...]

Daryna Dmytriieva

HLD Dresden. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I am a second-year PhD student at the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD). During my time as a Master student at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, I had the opportunity to perform some key experiments at the University of Konstanz, where I was impressed by the excellent scientific environment. Being given the opportunity to [...]

Martine Heiligers

Photo: ©Martine Heiligers. Published on Nov 22, 2021. HFML-FELIX Nijmegen. After a master’s degree in medical biology with a minor in business management, I started working as an application specialist at Artinis, a company, which develops and sells equipment that uses near-infrared spectroscopy. One of the main components of my job was to keep track of developments in the field and find applications for our [...]

Stéphane Berciaud

University of Strasbourg, France. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I am « maître de conférences » (assistant professor) at Université de Strasbourg since 2010. I do my research at Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS). My main focus is on the optical and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene. I came to LNCMI-Grenoble for the first time in spring [...]

Younès Henni

LNCMI Grenoble. Published on Mar 2, 2018. I am a PhD student in my final year at the Grenoble high magnetic field laboratory (LNCMI-G). During the three years I spent in our lab, my research topic was mainly focused on the optical properties of the two-dimensional (2D) carbon-based material graphene, under strong magnetic fields. After a bachelor degree in fundamental physics at the University [...]

Dr. Florence Lecouturier

 LNCMI, France. Published on Mar 6, 2019. I am group leader for the development of high-strength materials at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses. I obtained an Engineer diploma in physics/materials science from the National Institute for Applied Sciences in Toulouse (INSA) in 1991, concurrently to receiving a Master’s degree from the University of Toulouse. I [...]

Marloes Gielen

Communication officer HFML-FELIX. Published on Oct 8, 2018. “HFML? EMFL? What’s that?” My ultimate goal is to prevent ányone from saying that éver again. I started June 1st, 2018. Just in time for the EMFL user meeting in Nijmegen. I see a lot of commitment and enthusiasm among users, technicians,and scientists. Entirely justified, as I think  it is quite impressive what you can do with [...]

Florent Durantel

LNCMI - Toulouse. Published on Feb 13, 2020. I joined the LNCMI Toulouse last September, but I am not completely new, as I made a short stay in this laboratory quite a long time ago now! At that time, together with Loic Drigo, we developed a contactless measurement method in pulsed fields, and it was quite nice to see that this method is still [...]

Dr. Marc Uhlarz

Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Germany.  Published on Mar 2, 2018. Doing my theses at Karlsruhe University, I got acquainted with materials having strong electronic correlations, leading to magnetic order and superconductivity. HLD offers everything one could wish for doing research in this area, so I gladly accepted an offer to work here. Also, the prospect of working in a user facility, with frequent [...]

Tim de Bruin

Published on Mar 2, 2018. HFML Nijmegen, The Netherlands. I am an industrial automation software engineer, which means that I have knowledge to work with the many different software components in the power converters, cooling installations and other apparatus that are needed to create and maintain magnetic fields. I design, develop and test the PLCs (programmable controllers) that are used to control the HFML [...]

Dr. Ludvík Smrčka

Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague. Published on Mar 2, 2018. My main field of interest is the theoretical solid state physics, namely the electronic structure and transport properties of low-dimensional semiconductor structures, the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of transport coefficients, the quantum Hall effect and other transport phenomena. In early nineties MBE-grown GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and quantum wells became available in our Institute [...]

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