Photo: ©Martine Heiligers.

Published on Nov 22, 2021.

HFML-FELIX Nijmegen.

After a master’s degree in medical biology with a minor in business management, I started working as an application specialist at Artinis, a company, which develops and sells equipment that uses near-infrared spectroscopy. One of the main components of my job was to keep track of developments in the field and find applications for our products. I travelled the world to visit conferences, letting everyone know what we do and how one can use it for research. Having worked there for five years, I was looking forward to exploring something new! On July 1st, 2021, I started as business liaison officer at the HFMLFELIX laboratory in Nijmegen. In this role, I am actively involved in strengthening the bonds and cooperation between HFML-FELIX and external parties, such as industrial partners, the government, research facilities, and other relevant parties in the innovation eco-system. The best part about this job is that I can combine my love for science with a networking role. I am the representative for HFMLFELIX within networks and European consortia. I am looking forward to visiting conferences and events in order to make HFML-FELIX even more well known. Especially after all this time working from home! I enjoy helping to bridge the gap between academic researchers and organisations and I am looking forward applying my knowledge and experience to take the collaboration between HFML-FELIX and the industry to a higher level. I am excited to bring the same energy to EMFL and the ISABEL project. Thanks for your time! I look forward to getting to know you better and working with you in the future.