Visit the EMFL
Photo (©) HZDR/Rainer Weisflog

Making science a hands-on experience

Interested in science and in particular in physical phenomena? Then you are right with us. Whether you are a student or a senior – you can visit our labs. Our scientists will be happy to show their work, their magnetic coils and small illustrative experiments. Also talks about our facilities and research projects are available upon request.
The tours are free of charge.

If you are interested in visiting one of the EMFL labs, please contact the facilities.

Photo (©) William Knafo

What is magnetism?

How to generate high magnetic fields?

And what are they good for?

These and other questions we face whenever we open our doors to students and other interested groups. With passion and creativity our scientists show visitors their jobs, their huge magnetic coils and exciting experiments. The result: many answered questions, a lot of amazement, and a little more idea of what’s behind our work.

  • The EMFL labs regularly welcome school classes and student groups. 
  • Every second year, the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory organizes an Open House Day and participates annually at the Dresden Long Science Night.
  • Each year, the labs in Grenoble and Toulouse open their doors for the public during “La fête de la science”
  • During “La nuit des chercheurs“ Toulouse scientists regularly present their research work to the public.
  • Nijmegen opens up for guided tours on demand and features in many international popular science programmes on magnetism (BBC, CNN, Eurochannel) 
  • A team of EMFL scientists regularly visits Kindergartens and show the little ones playfully what a magnet is.
Photo (©) Abdelaziz Zitouni