Dear conference participants,

unfortunately the current pandemic situation severly hinders our planning to have a face-to-face meeting in Regensburg. With the Corona regulations currently in place such a meeting would even be not possible in Bavaria. Therefore, the SKM meeting scheduled for 6.-11. März 2022 will be canceled, but will be rescheduled for 4.-9. September 2022 in Regensburg. We are thus very optimistic that the new schedule in summer will make a face-to-face meeting indeed possible; this will allow for all participants, in particular for our younger scientists, enjoying important personal contacts and direct scientific exchange. After two years of pandemic, this is key and we are looking forward welcoming you in Regensburg in September!

Please note the new schedule, 4.-9. September 2022 in Regenburg, in your calender and consider to make hotel reservations early in advance, as Regensburg is attractive for tourism in September. We hope for your understanding if the new schedule may not fit to your personal plans.

The currently running abstract submission process will be stopped. For already submitted contributions you will receive a message in due time with information how to transfer the abstract into the new program for the September meeting (if you wish to do so). There will be no automatic transfer of abstracts to avoid that “forgotten” contributions might end up in the new program. Please note, that the abstract submission for new contributions will be open starting on April 1st, 2022 and will be closed on June 1st, 2022 (abstract deadline).

We hope that this information are helpful for your planning and that you will participate in September.

With best regards,

Martin Wolf (SKM Chair)
Sarah Köster (SKM Vice-Chair)