EMFL is a member of the Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe (ARIEs) consortium. The ARIEs are centers of scientific and technological excellence, delivering services, data, and expertise to a growing and diverse user community of more than 40,000 researchers in academia and industry, across a range of domains: the physical sciences, energy, engineering, the environment and the earth sciences, as well as medicine, health, food, and cultural heritage. They include powerful photon sources, such as synchrotrons, laser systems and free-electron lasers; sources of neutrons, ions, and other beams; and facilities dedicated to advanced electron microscopy and high magnetic fields. 2020 saw the publication of two crucial joint position papers. The first one, „A Key Resource for the Five Horizon Europe Missions“, highlights how a common, complementary approach will strengthen the European analytical research infrastructures collectively and will address societal challenges of the Horizon Europe Missions framework program. With the second joint position paper, „Viral and Microbial Threats“, the consortium enhances its cross-border, multidisciplinary collaboration to offer Europe a strong and valid weapon against the present COVID-19 challenge and other possible, similar future crises.


Further Information:
A Key Resource for the Five Horizon Europe Missions


Viral and Microbial Threats