The proper management of research data is imperative to ensure that scientific findings are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). The national and international research organizations support the long-term safeguarding of and the open access to research data from publicly funded research, as laid down in the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access” of 2003 and the “Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020”.
- Raw data will be curated in well-defined formats, for which the means of reading the data will be made available by the EMFL facilities.
- Raw data and associated metadata will be stored by the EMFL facilities for at least ten years.
- Access to raw data and the associated metadata is restricted to the user for a period of five years after the end of the experiment. Thereafter, it will become openly accessible with the EMFL facilities acting as custodian. Any user who wishes to maintain the restricted access to his data for a longer period will be required to make a special case to the EMFL-facility management. Data can always be made openly accessible earlier on simple request of any member of the experimental team, if no other member objects.
- EMFL will provide means for the user to upload results and associated metadata to the facility and enable him/her to associate these results with raw data.
- The user is requested to ensure that associated metadata are as complete as possible, as this will enhance the possibilities for him to search for, retrieve and interpret his data in the future.
- Publications related to experiments carried out at the EMFL facilities shall acknowledge the support of EMFL, including the facilities used, supporting staff or any other assistance.