Electric Polarization.


Electric polarization is measured by pyro-current technique.

The charge induced on the sample faces generates current Ip via a probe resistor. The current is recorded by a digitizer, and integrated numerically to obtain electric polarization P.

Local Contact

Yuri Skourski

Field range 0 ... 85 T
Temperature range 1.4... 270 K
Sample size The sample should be shaped as a plane-parallel plate, with a surface area of few square millimeters, and thickness 0.1 – 1 mm. The polling voltage ranges +/- 500 V. Minimum sample size 1x1x1 mm³
The samples can be mounted with a defined orientation
Typical experiments

Magnetic-field variation of the pyrocurrent and the electric polarization for the two axes of the CuO single crystal. [1]

Sample Holder
Sample environment Gaseous helium from 270K down to 4K, liquid helium below
Measurement Examples [1] Z. Wang et al., Nat. Comm. 7, 10295 (2016)
local contact: Y. Skourski