Magneto-transport in tilted magnetic fields

Local Contact


Field range 0 ... 38 T
Angle range ~180 deg
Temperature range 0.3 ... 30 K (3He system) 1.4 … 380 K (flow cryostat) 0.05 ... 4 K (dilution refrigerator, on request) (Upper temperature limit depends on signal strength)
Configurations (see Figure) a) rotate field from parallel to perpendicular orientation b) rotate field inside sample plane (azimuthal rotation) c) fixed angle (ϑ=0°), sample perpendicular to field
Sample size i) sample in LCC-20 chip carrier < 5x5 mm2 (inside LCC-20 dye); ii) sample directly mounted on platform < 10x10 mm2; < 1 mm thickness (typical)
Sample resistance μΩ … MΩ (AC using lock-in amplifiers) < 1 GΩ (DC, typically, using nanovoltmeters)
Contact configuration up to 20 contacts for current, voltage and gating
Bias current < 1 nA …10 mA (typical, depending on sample impedance)
Gate voltage ±100 V (typical)
Typical experiment R(B,T,ϑ,Vg,...) sweep rates (typical) 0.5 … 5 T/min
Examples Ising superconductivity: PNAS 115, 3551 (2018);Science 350, 1353 (2015); Fractal states in graphene: PNAS 115, 5135 (2018);Quantum Oscillations in ZrSiS: Nature Physics (2017), 178-183; FQHE and Wigner solid in ZnO: arXiv:1707.08406 [cond-mat.mes-hall] ; QHE in InSe: Nat. Nanotechnol. 12, 223 (2017)
local contact: Uli Zeitler