Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Local Contact

Hannes Kühne

Mladen Horvatić
Marc-Henri Julien
Steffen Krämer
Hadrien Mayaffre

Nicolas Bruyant

Field range 0 ... 70 T variable up to 36 T (maximum available DC field in 2018) 0 ... 58 T
Temperature range 2.0 – 300 K Variable temperature for solid state physics NMR:
1.3 K to 300 K with ⁴He variable temperature insert,
350 mK to 4.2 K with ³He variable temperature insert,
40 mK to 1.0 K with ³He/⁴He dilution refrigerator.
Room temperature (regulated) for high resolution NMR for chemistry.
1.5 ... 300 K
Sample size <10 mm³ to avoid spectral broadening Solid state physics NMR:
< 10 mm³, almost any sample can be accommodated.

High resolution NMR for chemistry:
< 1 cm³, almost any sample can be accommodated.
Powders, liquids or single crystals
< 5 mm diameter,
<10 mm length
minimum sample sized limited by sensitivity
The samples can be mounted with a defined orientation
Resolution 10¹⁷ ¹H spins typically Solid state physics NMR:
50 ppm / 1 mm³ at variable magnetic field (< 10 ppm for single-scan recordings).

High resolution NMR for chemistry (ferroshim and spin-lock):
20 ppm / 1 cm³ at fixed magnetic field (< 10 ppm for single-scan recordings)
Limitations Nucleus with short T1
Typical experiment NMR from 10 – 3000 MHz with at least 200 W pulse power

NMR data is recorded in the maximum regime of the field pulse during a time window of several ms, typically.
Several FID or echo signals can be recorded during one field pulse.
Variable frequency NMR for any NMR active nucleus up to 1.5 GHz:
Magnetic field and/or temperature dependence of NMR spectra as well as longitudinal (T₁) and transverse (T₂) NMR relaxation.
High resolution NMR spectra at fixed field (ferroshim and spin-lock).
CPMG multi-pulse experiments.
NMR from 200MHz to 1200MHz with 500 W pulse power
Single scan NMR looking for phase transition in the spectrum
Knight shift, chemical shift determination
Sample Holder The NMR coil is mounted on a platform with 10 mm diameter. Tailored NMR coils for optimized sensitivity.
Top-tuning and bottom-tuning configuration.
Goniometer option.
High pressure cell option (< 2.4 GPa).
Further details and drawings available upon request.
NMR coil is directly winded around the sample for maximum sensitivity
Sample environment Gaseous helium from 300 down to 4 K, liquid helium below. < 4.2 K: sample in liquid (⁴He, ³He or ³He/⁴He mixture).
> 4.2 K: sample in gas.
Gaseous helium from 300K down to 4K, liquid helium below 4K
Examples Spin-dimer systems: J. Kohlrautz et al., J. Magn. Reson. 271, 52 (2016)
NMR shift and T1: J. Kohlrautz et al., J. Magn. Reson. 263, 1 (2016)
NMR setup: B. Meier et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 083113 (2012)
Signal averaging: B. Meier et al., J. Magn. Reson. 210, 1 (2011)
Overview C. R. Physique 18, 331–348 (2017)
Quantum magnets Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 227202/1-5 (2015)
High-Tc superconductors PNAS 114, 13148 (2017)
Organic conductors Nature Phys. 10, 928–932 (2014)
Heavy Fermions Phys. Rev. B 93, 201112(R) (2016)
Magnetic field dependence of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE):
1H PRE up to 1.4 GHz ChemPhysChem 15, 3608 (2014).
Resolution enhanced NMR of quadrupolar nuclei: 91Zr NMR at 30 T Inorganic Chemistry 48, 8709 (2009).
Experimental setup description Abou-Hamad, E et al.State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 2011, 40, 42 - 44
High homogeneity magnet: High homogeneity magnet
Frustrated magnet
High-Tc superconductors
local contact: H. Kühne
local contact: M. Horvatić,
M. Julien, S. Krämer, H. Mayaffre
local contact: n.bruyant