Low Noise & Low Resistance

Local Contact

William Knafo


Cyril Proust / David Vignolles

Field range
TOULOUSE 0 ... 90 T (100 T soon)
TOULOUSE 0 ... 90 T (100 T soon)
Temperature range
TOULOUSE 100 mK - 300 K (maximum field 60 T, ambient pressure)
1.4 K - 300 K (maximum field 90-100 T, ambient pressure)
TOULOUSE 500 mK - 300 K (maximum field 90 T)
1.4 K - 300 K (maximum field 60 T or 70 T - rotating insert available)
Sample size
TOULOUSE to be adjusted to have appropriate resistance values (if metallic samples, room temperature resistance should be at least > 10-30 mOhm to have good high-field sensitivity at low temperature)
TOULOUSE Thickness of the sample need to be adjusted to get a resistance at least of the order of few mohms at low temperatures (see also sample holder)
TOULOUSE lowest noise can be ≃ 0.04 mOhm (for a current of 10 mA)
TOULOUSE Typical noise for low resistance (< 1 ohm) measurements:
V = 0.1 µV @ zero field
V~1 µV @ maximum field
Good contact resistances (< 1ohm) are required to get this typical noise.
Measurement range
TOULOUSE Resistance ranging from mOhms to kOhms
Typical experiment
TOULOUSE 4 contact resistivity or Hall effect (possibility to reverse the field direction)
TOULOUSE 4 /6 contact measurements (possibility to reverse the field direction for Hall effect)
Sample Holder
TOULOUSE different sample holders, depending on the probe/magnet Probes:
- 4 mm diameter probe for > 90 T magnets
- 7 mm diameter probe for 70 T magnets (6 MJ) - 20 mm diameter probe for long-duration 60 T magnet (4.5 MJ), probe used for pressure cell experiment or big samples
TOULOUSE 2 (3) samples can be measured simultaneously up to 90 T (60 T) Samples are usually mounted on sapphire platelet. Sample + platelet should fit in a diameter of 18 mm (60 T), 6 mm (70 T) and 4 mm (90 T)
Sample environment
TOULOUSE He4 cryostat, He3 inserts, dilution fridge (max field 60 T)
High Pressure up to 4 GPa (maximum field 60 T, lowest temperature 1.4 K)
TOULOUSE Gaseous helium from 300K down to 4.2 K, liquid helium or liquid ³He below
TOULOUSE 60 T, 70 T, 80 T and 90 T magnets, He4 and dilution fridges (ambient pressure)
M.D. Watson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 027006 (2015)
G.W. Scheerer et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 165107 (2014)
High pressure combined with pulsed fields:
W. Knafo et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 014411 (2017)
D. Braithwaite et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 023907(2016).
TOULOUSE Quantum oscillations in an overdoped high-Tc superconductor
Nature 455, 952–955, 2008
Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy
Nat. Commun. 6 6034 (2015)
Change of carrier density at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor Nature 531 210 (2016)
local contact: W. Knafo
local contact: C. proust
Local Contact

William Knafo

Cyril Proust / David Vignolles

Field range 0 ... 90 T (100 T soon) 0 ... 90 T (100 T soon)
Temperature range 100 mK - 300 K (maximum field 60 T, ambient pressure)
1.4 K - 300 K (maximum field 90-100 T, ambient pressure)
500 mK - 300 K (maximum field 90 T)
1.4 K - 300 K (maximum field 60 T or 70 T - rotating insert available)
Sample size to be adjusted to have appropriate resistance values (if metallic samples, room temperature resistance should be at least > 10-30 mOhm to have good high-field sensitivity at low temperature) Thickness of the sample need to be adjusted to get a resistance at least of the order of few mohms at low temperatures (see also sample holder)
Sensitivity lowest noise can be ≃ 0.04 mOhm (for a current of 10 mA) Typical noise for low resistance (< 1 ohm) measurements:
V = 0.1 µV @ zero field
V~1 µV @ maximum field
Good contact resistances (< 1ohm) are required to get this typical noise.
Measurement range Resistance ranging from mOhms to kOhms
Typical experiment 4 contact resistivity or Hall effect (possibility to reverse the field direction) 4 /6 contact measurements (possibility to reverse the field direction for Hall effect)
Sample Holder different sample holders, depending on the probe/magnet Probes:
- 4 mm diameter probe for > 90 T magnets
- 7 mm diameter probe for 70 T magnets (6 MJ) - 20 mm diameter probe for long-duration 60 T magnet (4.5 MJ), probe used for pressure cell experiment or big samples
2 (3) samples can be measured simultaneously up to 90 T (60 T) Samples are usually mounted on sapphire platelet. Sample + platelet should fit in a diameter of 18 mm (60 T), 6 mm (70 T) and 4 mm (90 T)
Sample environment He4 cryostat, He3 inserts, dilution fridge (max field 60 T)
High Pressure up to 4 GPa (maximum field 60 T, lowest temperature 1.4 K)
Gaseous helium from 300K down to 4.2 K, liquid helium or liquid ³He below
Examples 60 T, 70 T, 80 T and 90 T magnets, He4 and dilution fridges (ambient pressure)
M.D. Watson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 027006 (2015)
G.W. Scheerer et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 165107 (2014)
High pressure combined with pulsed fields:
W. Knafo et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 014411 (2017)
D. Braithwaite et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 023907(2016).
Quantum oscillations in an overdoped high-Tc superconductor
Nature 455, 952–955, 2008
Evidence for a small hole pocket in the Fermi surface of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy
Nat. Commun. 6 6034 (2015)
Change of carrier density at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor Nature 531 210 (2016)
local contact: W. Knafo
local contact: C. proust