Message from the Conference Chairman
Neil Mitchell

MT-28 will be the second International Magnet Technology Conference with the ITER Organization as lead host organization. This time, we have chosen Aix-en-Provence, France, as the home base for the conference , with a conference centre that is an easy walking distance from the old town. We have high hopes now that we will be able to host a fully in-person conference in this attractive environment of Aix in September 2023, and that progress on re-opening of intercontinental travel by then will allow many of our international colleagues to attend and renew in-person ties. I think the networking activities that are stimulated by such international conferences are their most important function that can only be replaced with great difficulty on line, and we hope that MT-28 will be one of the first opportunities to renew the experience post-Covid.

As well as the conference, we will be offering an opportunity to see the progress on the ITER site. The year 2023 will be an excellent opportunity to see major tokamak components, including all of the ITER magnets in the process of assembly or in their final positions in the cryostat. So please support us when registration opens in 2023.!en