Our science at your disposal!
“EMFL make possible the use of its infrastructures for industrial users “
For all the needs that the industry can have, EMFL want to make possible the use of its infrastructures for any kind of experiments and test. We can provide cryogenics devices, pulsed and continuous magnets, sensors, instruments, generators and capacitors banks and other various skills.
Visit our skillsmap for more informations about which services we can provide.
Partners all across Europe

Why use our facilities?
1. Perform test under the highest fields
The magnetic fields which are operated at EMFL are ones of the higher in the world. For this reason, many special experiments can be done in our lab and nowhere else.
2. Tests at extreme temperatures
Our cryogenics infrastructure allow our users to performs their tests / measurements event at extreme conditions –> Until 0.1 °K
3. Magnetisation tests
The power of our capacitor bank allows our user to perform test involving intense current during short impulsions. In order to build more and more efficient magnetizers, industrial user want to test their devices with a perpetual rise of the current.
Photos (©) W.Knafo, F.LECOUTURIER, LNCMI-Toulouse
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