Welcome to our magnet survey.
The European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) is a consortium of 4 publicly funded research infrastructures providing the highest magnetic fields for science and innovation in Europe. Our know-how not only benefits academic and industrial users of our facilities but also a growing number of external partners wishing to incorporate high-field magnet technology in their projects. In order to improve the strategic orientation of our activities, we are currently compiling a magnet technology road-map that responds to the needs of our users and identifies new partnership opportunities. For this we solicit your help.
With the following 2-minute survey we would like to learn more about possible uses of magnet technology in your respective domain. The questions have been designed for non-academic parties with a basic interest in magnet technology but no deeper know-how. If you are already an expert or have previously used one of the EMFL facilities you may prefer to respond to the survey for scientific users which can be found here.