The aim of the school is to deepen the understanding of the physics of correlated electron materials. The lectures will address materials growth, measurements, theory, computation, and general understanding. A comprehensive overview of the fundamental ideas, current status, recent developments and perspective future directions in the field will be attempted.
This school is addressed to graduate students and young researchers in the field of correlated –electron materials. The participants will be selected according to their scientific qualification and their previous knowledge.
The confirmed lecturers and speakers are: Ernst Bauer, Silke Biermann, Antony Carrington, Alexander X. Gray, Elena Hassinger, Maria Hermanns, Cornelius Krellner, Matthieu LeTacon, Jochen Mannhart, Peter Oppeneer, Stephane Raymond, Lucia Reining, Peter Reiseborough and Denis Vyalikh.
The school fee of 400 EUR covers meals and accommodation. A large number of grants are available reducing the registration fee to 100 EUR for most of participants (formal application for this grant is required when registering). The number of participants is limited to 50.
For further information about topics, speakers, and venue and on how to apply, please see:
For the organizers: Sebastien Burdin, Christoph Geibel, Claudine Lacroix, Pierre Rodiere, Gertrud Zwicknagl
Les Houches, France, October 13th – 18th, 2019
Deadline for applications: April 30th, 2019; acceptance will be communicated before May 10th.
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