Scientific Publications

Articles on peer reviews


List of Publications
Metal-as-insulation HTS coils

Posters, presentations, other articles

project presentations at conferences...


MT27 2021 poster
MT27 presentation IEEE CEA
MT27 presentation CNRS
EUCAS 2021 presentation
ASC22 poster CNRS
ASC22 presentation CNRS
workshop HFM@NS Isabel/SuperEMFL
EUCAS2023 poster CNRS
EUCAS2023 presentation
MT28_2023 presentation
MT28_2023 poster


Public Deliverables available for downloading


D1.2 Project website (March 31st,2021)
D3.3 Functional Material properties (Dec 31st, 2023)

Dissemination materials

Logo, power point templates...


SuperEMFL logo color
SuperEMFL flyer


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951714. Any dissemination of results reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.