Uppsala, Sweden, August 26-30 2019.
The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) combine to form the most important and comprehensive conference on magnetism in Europe. The symposia will take place at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress; the concert/congress hall of Uppsala, August 26-30 2019.
The Symposia cover a broad range of topics addressing fundamental and applied magnetism, and novel magnetic materials. Plenary, semi-plenary and invited speakers give lectures on important recent advances within each symposium, in addition to contributed talks and poster sessions.
Previous JEMS conferences took place in Grenoble (2001), Dresden (2004), San Sebastian (2006), Dublin (2008), Krakow (2010), Parma (2012), Rhodes (2013), Glasgow 2016 and Mainz 2018. Starting 2012 JEMS is being held every year, except the years when Intermag or ICM take place in Europe (Intermag2017)
Uppsala University hosts major activities on theoretical and experimental magnetism research performed in the scientific tradition and spirit of Linnaeus, Ångström and Celsius. The conference Venue, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, is located in the center of Uppsala a few hundred meters from major hotels and Uppsala Travel Centre.
The local organizing committee of JEMS2019 welcomes you to Uppsala in August 2019.
Web: https://jems2019.se/
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