This workshop is the 7th edition, LaB7, after six previous editions:
- LaB2 at Princeton in 2013 (HED Reconnection Gathering at Princeton (
- LaB3 at Paris in 2014
- LaB4 at Princeton in 2015 (4th LaB Workshop November 11-13, 2015 (
- LaB5 in Russia in 2017 (on the boat)
- LaB6 in China in 2019
Here you can find the program and zoom links to join the webinar:
Here you can find the list of committee members and speakers :
- Andrea Ciardi (Sorbonne U.)
- Hantao Ji (Princeton U.)
- Dustin Froula (Rochester U.)
- Zhong Jiayong (Beijing U.)
- Bin Qiao (Pekin U.)
- Shinsuke Fujioka (Osaka U.)
- Will Fox (Princeton U.)
- Jérôme Béard (LNCMI)
- Julien Fuchs (Polytechnique)
- Takanobu Amano (Tokyo U.)
- Fabio Bacchini (Leuwen)
- B. Albertazzi (LULI)
- Jérôme Béard (LNCMI)
- Simon Balaños (UCSD)
- Archie Bott (Princeton/Oxford)
- Virginia Bresci (AIP – Postdam)
- Damanio Caprioli (U.Chicago)
- Roland Duclous/Olivier Michel (CEA)
- Graeme D. Sutcliffe (MIT)
- Arno Vanthieghem (Princeton)
- C.A.Walsh (LLNL)
- Weipeng Yao (LULI)
- C. Niemann (UCLA)
- Salvatore Orlando (INAF)
- Ryan Peterson (Stanford)
- G. Rikken (LNCMI)
- Brandon Russell (Michigan U.)
- Kentaro Sakai (Osaka U.)
- JJ Santos (Bordeaux U.)
- Hong Sio (LLNL)
- R. Smets (LPP)
- Lee Suttle (Imperial College)
- Jens von der Linden (IPP)
- George Wong (Institute for Advanced Study)