Tino Gottschall, HLD Dresden.

Photo (©): HZDR/Bernd Schröder

The last two month of 2019 saw one of the first scientific secondments funded by the newly implemented exchange program of the EMFL. PhD student Adrià Gràcia-Condal from the University of Barcelona came to visit the HLD at the Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf for one month. Funded by EMFL, expenses for travelling and accommodation were supported with a lump-sum payment of 2.000 €.
The scientific purpose of the visit was to design, to manufacture, and to assemble a new uniaxial-load cell for the use in pulsed magnetic fields. With the new insert, direct measurements of the adiaba tic temperature change of materials in magnetic field pulses up to 70 T are now feasible, enabling to study the influence of uniaxial loads up to 100 MPa in a constant force regime. The temperature change during a pulse is determined via ultrathin thermocouples, and the mechanical stress is detected by use of a piezo sensor. Furthermore, the displacement of the sample is measured with a strain gauge that is attached to the surface. First measurements were successfully performed. Likewise, the visit succeeded to intensify the collaboration established before, namely between the University of Barcelona and HLD.