After two years of rather impersonal prize ceremonies the EMFL Board of Directors was happy to hand over the EMFL prize 2022 in person to Dr. Mateusz Dyksik, who currently holds an assistant professor position at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland. The prize ceremony took place during the EMFL User Meeting in Grenoble. Mateusz Dyksik received the award for his cutting-edge research performed at the EMFL facilities. He used optical spectroscopy to understand the fundamental electronic properties of organic-inorganic perovskites thin films and nanocrystals which have important applications in light harvesting and photovoltaics. Mateusz employed a rather unique combination of low-temperature optical spectroscopy together with high pulsed magnetic field. His work allowed to elucidate many of the exotic properties of two-dimensional perovskites. Since 2009, a prize committee, chaired by Jochen Wosnitza, director of the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, awards the EMFL prize annually for exceptional achievements in science done in high magnetic fields.