Dear colleague,

The SuperEMFL project aims to design all-superconducting user magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory (EMFL). Through the development of high temperature superconductor technology, and its combination with low temperature superconductor magnets, DC magnetic fields in access of 40 T could be within reach in a reasonable time scale.

The target of SuperEMFL is to provide designs of 32 T and 40 T all-superconducting user magnets, which are expected to partly replace current high-field resistive DC magnets at EMFL. This will not only result in a reduction of the energy consumption of the static field EMFL facilities, but it will also provide new experimental possibilities.

With this survey, we would like to ask for your user needs concerning these all-superconducting magnets and the requirements for the associated experimental instrumentation and modes of access.

Please find the link to the survey here:

Your timely response is greatly appreciated and will serve as input for the design of the magnets and for the implementation plan for the experimental infrastructure at the EMFL facilities.

On behalf of

HLD – Dresden / LNCMI – Grenoble / HFML – Nijmegen / LNCMI – Toulouse


Chair of the EMFL Board of Directors                     Coordinator of the SuperEMFL project

P.C.M. Christianen                                                     X. Chaud