© Štěpán Sechovský

The Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory (MGML) is a large research infrastructure operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, in cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The main research focus is condensed matter physics and materials sciences. More specifically, it involves the studies of novel electronic states, phase transitions including quantum phase transitions, topological insulators and superconductors, magnetism and unconventional superconductivity, ferroic, multiferroic, magnetocaloric, and magnetic shape-memory materials. It offers open access to its laboratories:

Synthesis and characterization of materials, particularly metals, intermetallics, semimetals, oxides, and inorganic salts. Crystal growth by using several complementary techniques: Czochralski, Bridgman, floating-zone (mirror or laser furnace), fluxgrowth, chemical vapor transport, and hydrothermal growth. Modern DTA/DSC analysis, electron microscopes, and x-ray diffraction instruments (operating in the range between 3 and 1200 K) allow a detailed structural and phase characterization of samples.

Measurement of physical properties, namely magnetization, AC magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance, electrical capacity, permittivity, magnetoelectric response, Hall resistivity, thermal conductivity, Seebeck effect, thermal expansion, magnetostriction, and using various forcemicroscopy techniques. The extensive range of the MGML instruments makes it possible to carry out these measurements at temperatures from mK up to several hundred degrees Celsius, in magnetic fields up to 20 T, electric fields from -50 V to +50 V, and under hydrostatic and uniaxial pressures up to 15 GPa. MGML holds an official license for onsite manipulation of materials containing U and Th for research purposes, allowing the synthesis and measurement of materials containing these elements. Details of all the instrumental equipment including compatible sample environment can be found on the webpage https://mgml.eu/

Contact: Martina Rážová m.razova@mag.mff.cuni.cz