Sanu Mishra and Ilya Sheikin, LNCMI Grenoble, Tobias Förster, HLD Dresden, and Alix McCollam, HFML Nijmegen.

Rare-earth-based materials are now widely recognized as an ideal playground for exploration of the fascinating physics that develops around a quantum critical point (QCP). In Ce-based compounds, such a QCP typically separates an antiferromagnetic (AFM) state from a nonmagnetic ground state. In spite of numerous experimental investigations of such systems near a QCP, the details of what drives the QCP remain the subject of much theoretical debate. CeRhIn5 is one of the best-studied heavy-fermion materials. This AFM compound with TN = 3.8 K can be tuned to a QCP by pressure, chemical substitution, and magnetic field. Several de Haas–van Alphen (dHvA) experiments evidence localized f electrons of CeRhIn5 at ambient pressure. As the critical pressure for the suppression of antiferromagnetism, Pc = 2.3 GPa, is reached, all dHvA frequencies observed below this pressure change discontinuously, signaling an abrupt Fermi-surface (FS) reconstruction as a consequence of f-electron delocalization. Recent results obtained at high magnetic fields suggested a unique behavior in CeRhIn5. A field-induced QCP was reported to occur at the critical field Bc ≈ 50 T. An electronic-nematic phase transition was observed at B* ≈ 30 T and attributed to an inplane symmetry breaking. Finally, the emergence of additional dHvA frequencies was observed at B* and interpreted as a field-induced FS reconstruction associated with f-electron delocalization. This result is surprising given that magnetic fields are generally expected to localize the f electrons. To resolve this controversial issue, researchers from the EMFL laboratories in Grenoble, Dresden, and Nijmegen, together with their Japanese colleagues, performed a comprehensive dHvA study of CeRhIn5 using both static (up to 36 T) and pulsed (up to 70 T) magnetic fields. Several dHvA frequencies were found to gradually emerge at high fields as a result of magnetic breakdown (Figure). Among them is the theoretically predicted ᵦ1 branch, not observed so far. Comparison of the angle-dependent dHvA spectra with those of the non-4f compound LaRhIn5 and with band-structure calculations evidence that the Ce 4f electrons in CeRhIn5 remain localized up to 70 T. This rules out any FS reconstruction, either at the suggested nematic phase transition at B* or at the putative QCP at Bc. These results demonstrate the robustness of the FS and the localized nature of the 4f electrons inside and outside of the AFM phase.



Figure: FFT spectra of the static-field dHvA oscillations in CeRhIn5. The inset shows the evolution of the dHvA frequencies with field obtained from pulsed (circles) and static (triangles) field measurements.

Robust Fermi-Surface Morphology of CeRhIn5 across the Putative Field-Induced Quantum Critical Point, S. Mishra, J. Hornung, M. Raba, J. Klotz, T. Förster, H. Harima, D. Aoki, J. Wosnitza, A. McCollam, and I. Sheikin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 016403 (2021).
