The H2020-INFRADEV-2019 project SuperEMFL aims to design all-superconducting user magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory (EMFL). Through the development of high temperature superconductor (HTS) technology, and its combination with low temperature superconductor (LTS) magnets, DC magnetic fields in access of 40 T are within reach.

The target of SuperEMFL is to provide a design of 32+ T and 40+ T all-superconducting user magnets, which are expected to partly replace current high-field resistive DC magnets at EMFL. This will not only result in a significant reduction of the energy consumption of the static field EMFL facilities, but it will also provide new experimental possibilities, leading to an improved infrastructure for high-field research and the possibility to attract scientific communities that so far have rarely used the EMFL facilities.

We have recently conducted an online survey of our users and, as a follow up, we will organise an online workshop (via Zoom) on 3 March 2023.

Users can still register online via: and will receive the definitive programme and a zoom link a couple of days before the event.

The idea of the user workshop is to present the current status of the SuperEMFL project and the outcome of the survey to our users and to discuss the possibilities of all-superconducting user magnets with them. In the programme we also have the possibility for our users to present a short idea what kind of experiments you would like to do in a 32+T all-superconducting magnet.